Improve Health/ Pain Management/ Cancer
Hypnosis is a great tool for anyone who wants to be more in control of their life.
Utilizing hypnosis it’s easy to change your self-talk and by doing so you change your habits and behaviors.
Champion Hypnosis can help you improve your health
Hypnosis Testimonials for Improve Health/ Pain Management/ Cancer
Dan Lohmeyer has been an excellent resource for my pain management issues. At first I was skeptical, but he put me completely at ease and was a great comfort. My life has actually turned around thanks to all of his assistance. He has made my thought process a more positive experience, and I can honestly say I am a changed person. Hypnosis has showed me how strong the mind is and, through my new way of thinking, I am having amazing results. Dan has given me the coping mechanisms I need to manage my pain. He is very thorough, professional and personable. I appreciate that he is truly interested in my recovery, and it shows. I am very grateful to have discovered him and his service.
When I first came to see Dan I thought I was suffering from IBS but soon into our consultation it seemed to be related to my Anxiety that I have had for over 20+ years. I refused to take any medicine but I was also sick and tired of being anxious about everything, it had been making my life hell…I decided to use Dan’s services and let me tell you “Magic”. It was unbelievable after one session I was Happy and not nervous about anything. As an added benefit I don’t have to use the bathroom…all the time. I use to get nervous about everything and I couldn’t stomach confrontation or money issues..It is all a thing of the past thanks to Dan. He is Great and I have him on Speed Dial should I need any other Services or to send my friends..Your The Best!!!
Thank You…Tanya
After years of chronic back pain I couldn’t sleep and I was taking so many pain killers I felt like a complete zombie. This was not the life I wanted to live. After 3 sessions with dan I am able to control the pain naturally without any side effects. I am really thankful for hypnosis and the power of your mind.
Tom P.
I had been going through the “Change “ and I was suffering from being too hot and waking up drenched in sweat. No matter what I tried from the Dr it still wasn’t helping. Dan gave me the ability to change the thermostat in mind to control my body temperature and I now sleep without getting the hot flashes
Debra G.
Cancer is a B… when I was diagnosed with breast cancer I didn’t want to go through the normal route of putting all those chemicals in my body and losing my hair just didn’t feel right.. I contacted Dan explained my situation and he put me at ease. I did three sessions and cancer is no longer in my body, my scans are perfect and the Dr’s are dumb founded. You helping me realize that by using my brain the way God intended I was in a lot more control than I thought. You have Truly Change and Saved my life and I am forever grateful
Joan L.