A simple call to
Champion Hypnosis
Can change your life! Hypnosis is a relaxing process which involves accessing the unconscious mind and changing unhelpful belief systems. Champion Hypnosis is about helping you achieve positive lasting change so that you can begin living on your own terms!
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Champion HypnosisI couldn't remember
I couldn't remember
but with hypnosis I found it.
I hid something so nobody would ever find it and well I couldn’t find it..I knew I had put it somewhere in my house but after several failed attempts I wasn’t successful..that’s when I saw Dan, after 1 session within a week I found it…your awesome!!!
-- Tom F --
Champion HypnosisI couldn't remember
I couldn't remember
but with hypnosis I found it.
I hid something so nobody would ever find it and well I couldn’t find it..I knew I had put it somewhere in my house but after several failed attempts I wasn’t successful..that’s when I saw Dan, after 1 session within a week I found it…your awesome!!!
-- Tom F --
Champion HypnosisWith Hypnosis, Alex
With Hypnosis, Alex
is ready to take on the world!
When I first spoke to Dan about hypnosis helping people overcome obstacles, I was so interested, but I have to admit I was a little skeptical. It wasn’t that I didn’t trust him, he came very highly recommended by some friends of mine who know him personally, it was the picture that was painted in my head of what hypnosis was that really made me nervous. Needless to say, it was nothing like I pictured it. I felt very comfortable and very relaxed. He really wants you to succeed and reach your goals! After my first session I felt empowered and ready to take on the world! I look forward to more sessions with Dan the Hypnotist!
-- Alex Simmons --
Champion HypnosisMy sex drive was non-existent
My sex drive was non-existent
hypnosis helped.
Ever since having kids my sex drive was pretty much non-existent. I tried several things from reading romantic novels, adult films and pills but, nothing worked. It was seriously becoming an issue in my marriage. I did one session and let me tell you my husband has had a big smile on his face and most importantly I feel in charge of my sex life.
-- Debbie V. --
Champion HypnosisPain Management?
Pain Management?
Yes Hypnosis helps.
Dan Lohmeyer has been an excellent resource for my pain management issues. At first I was skeptical, but he put me completely at ease and was a great comfort. My life has actually turned around thanks to all of his assistance. He has made my thought process a more positive experience, and I can honestly say I am a changed person. Hypnosis has showed me how strong the mind is and, through my new way of thinking, I am having amazing results. Dan has given me the coping mechanisms I need to manage my pain. He is very thorough, professional and personable. I appreciate that he is truly interested in my recovery, and it shows. I am very grateful to have discovered him and his service.
-- Judy --
Champion HypnosisHypnosis beat by emotional
Hypnosis beat by emotional
food addition.
I had been on numerous diets but they just didn’t work for me because you help me to realize I was eating for emotional reasons and until I took care of that I would always turn to food. Thank you for truly listening and figuring out what I needed to do. Because of you I am in control over my food addiction. What a blessing to have someone like you in the world.
-- Mindy F. --
Champion HypnosisYes, I beat smoking
Yes, I beat smoking
with hypnosis.
I did just what you told me to do by getting rid of my lighters, cleaning my car out (even bought new air freshener..for fun and to get rid of the last bit of cigarette smell…YUCK!), and have been chewing lots of gum! As I cleaned my car out the other day I almost felt like I was cleansing myself one last time of my big decision and it felt really good! I have had a few cravings here and there…. I was able to make it to the gym last night for the first time since Monday and I have NEVER felt so good after a run! I could BREATHE! Thank you so much for meeting me with me and helping me become a SUCCESSFUL NON SMOKER!
I did just what you told me to do by getting rid of my lighters, cleaning my car out (even bought new air freshener..for fun and to get rid of the last bit of cigarette smell…YUCK!), and have been chewing lots of gum! As I cleaned my car out the other day I almost felt like I was cleansing myself one last time of my big decision and it felt really good! I have had a few cravings here and there…. I was able to make it to the gym last night for the first time since Monday and I have NEVER felt so good after a run! I could BREATHE! Thank you so much for meeting me with me and helping me become a SUCCESSFUL NON SMOKER!
-- Jenn P --
Champion HypnosisNail Biting
Nail Biting
only took one session.
I did just one session to stop biting my nails and have never looked back that was almost 1yr ago. Dan truly has a skill for helping people and he can help you too
-- Becky W --
Champion HypnosisI needed help with weightloss
I needed help with weightloss
and hypnosis was the solution.
Upon meeting Dan I knew I wanted to work with him. After only the third session I bought a package of 24 sessions.
He is unique because he customizes the sessions to fit individual needs. He does not have a cookie cutter script to help with weight loss. He individualizes the sessions to address issues that influence the problem. For me sweets is the problem, so he has addressed the issue with aversion therapy, parts therapy and more recently looking at self image and how it may influence the problem. I am now able to control my sweet tooth and have come a long way from when I started. Besides weight loss Dan has worked and has helped me find joy, feel confident, get better sleep, keep on track with tasks and to be more organized. These are just a few of the topics that we have addressed in our sessions. Topics are unique to the individual and in the same manner the session is unique and structured around your individual needs. Other qualities that make him stand out from any other hypnotist include his integrity, prompt follow up and follow through with your concerns. I text him and within 24 hrs he promptly replies. I have had my moments of self defeating thoughts and when I text these to him, he will promptly reply with encouraging words that motivate me to “get over it.” I have many other goals I want to accomplish and I am confident they will be met with my self determination, perseverance and hypnosis.
It gives me great joy to highly recommend Dan Lohmeyer & Champion Hypnosis
He is unique because he customizes the sessions to fit individual needs. He does not have a cookie cutter script to help with weight loss. He individualizes the sessions to address issues that influence the problem. For me sweets is the problem, so he has addressed the issue with aversion therapy, parts therapy and more recently looking at self image and how it may influence the problem. I am now able to control my sweet tooth and have come a long way from when I started. Besides weight loss Dan has worked and has helped me find joy, feel confident, get better sleep, keep on track with tasks and to be more organized. These are just a few of the topics that we have addressed in our sessions. Topics are unique to the individual and in the same manner the session is unique and structured around your individual needs. Other qualities that make him stand out from any other hypnotist include his integrity, prompt follow up and follow through with your concerns. I text him and within 24 hrs he promptly replies. I have had my moments of self defeating thoughts and when I text these to him, he will promptly reply with encouraging words that motivate me to “get over it.” I have many other goals I want to accomplish and I am confident they will be met with my self determination, perseverance and hypnosis.
It gives me great joy to highly recommend Dan Lohmeyer & Champion Hypnosis
-- Maria --
Champion Hypnosis
addition to pain killers
Unfortunately I started getting more and more dependent on prescription pain killers to where it made me lose my job and almost my husband. I had finally had enough when a friend recommended Dan. He was very professional and explained it would take several sessions. After 4 sessions now I have been clean for over a year. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for changing my life.
-- Debbie W. --
Champion HypnosisAA and hypnosis
AA and hypnosis
a powerful combination.
I had been suffering from Alcoholism for over 10yrs and I had been to every rehab facility you can think of…I just wasn’t getting the results that I needed. Time after time I kept slipping back into my bad habits of drinking again. I’ve been in AA many times before but Dan recommended using him and AA together. Wow what a combo….After just a few sessions I could already tell a major difference. I didn’t need it or want it or think about it anymore…I can finally have a better life now and Not only is my Family proud of me But I am Proud Of Myself..Thank you Dan Your AWESOME!!!
-- Dave R --
Champion HypnosisLogan wanted to stop chewing
Logan wanted to stop chewing
so he used hypnosis.
I went to Dan to quit using smokeless tobacco (chew) after 9 years of habitual use. Even when I started using I knew it was terrible for your health, addictive and, as my wife puts it, absolutely disgusting. But, I loved having a chew on a long car ride or after dinner, all the time knowing that I needed to quit for good. When I spoke with Dan initially I was skeptical of hypnotism as a whole, but was open to at least giving it a shot. In my hypnosis session with Dan he put me at ease right away while staying completely professional and directive. After one session I quit chewing altogether and now have the tools to sustain a tobacco free life. Thank you
-- Logan --
Champion HypnosisJim was struggling with low self-image
Jim was struggling with low self-image
and hypnosis helped.
When we came to see Dan, Jim was struggling with the low self-image and general self-hatred. His mother’s poor parenting skills had affected his self-image. We were very impressed with Dan because after just one session with Dan, we noticed Jim not dwelling on the negatives of the past, but rather remembering the people who did value him and once again enjoying some simple pleasures. I want to personally thank Dan for helping Jim be happier with himself, be a more positive and pleasant person to be around.
-- Mary E. --
Champion HypnosisFear of Flying
Fear of Flying
Dan fixed it with 1 session
I came to see Dan because I had a fear of flying…Dan got right to the issue and eliminated it in 1 session. I was completely blown away that he really took the time to understand what was going on and nailed it..
-- Pete W. --
Champion HypnosisI wanted the big O
I wanted the big O
hypnosis helped me.
All I have ever wanted to do was to be able to experience the big o with my partners…it never failed, every time I couldn’t relax my mind, it just kept going in the wrong direction making things worse. I am extremely excited to say I have experience several since meeting with Dan..OMG I can’t believe what I have been missing for all these years..AMAZING!
-- Amy E. --
Champion HypnosisHynosis saved my marriage
Hynosis saved my marriage
and got rid of my anger
I have always had a really bad temper since I was a kid and I just decided it was who I was. Unfortunately my wife had enough of it and threatened to divorce me…it was at that point that I decided I must change for her, my children and most of all me. After my first session I felt a huge sense of relief and after a total of 2 sessions I have been a change man ever since. My wife is so proud of me and I am proud of myself. Thank you for truly getting to the bottom of the issue so I could move on…
-- Frank T. --
Champion HypnosisHuge fear of public speaking
Huge fear of public speaking
so I tried hypnosis.
I had a huge fear of public speaking it was so bad that when my brother asked me to be his best man I contemplated suicide because I couldn’t leave with myself If I messed it up for him…well the next week I not only gave the speech but got a ton of compliments…dude you rock I am looking forward to doing more sessions…..
-- Jon M. --
Champion HypnosisHypnosis helped Tonya
Hypnosis helped Tonya
loose weight.
Thank you Dan for changing the way I feel about myself and loosing the weight…It has been years since I have felt so good about myself and my future.
-- Tonya B. --
Champion HypnosisI needed a better golf game
I needed a better golf game
and hypnosis helped.
I have been playing golf for 10 years and could never break 80 until I decided to give hypnosis a shot. Dan explained how everything worked and what to expect. Let me just say surprised is not even close to describe how I felt when after just a couple of weeks I did it…something I have been struggling with for so long changed after just one session. My mind is where the problem existed and thank God it’s all changed now.
-- David S. --
Champion HypnosisHypnosis gave Allison
Hypnosis gave Allison
the confidence she needed.
Wow is all I can say, when I first met Dan he explained to me how he could help me through hypnosis…I was a little skeptical to say the least but after reading all the education he put on his site I was willing to give it a shot..He made me feel completely comfortable and was extremely helpful. I have a new outlook on life now…thanks to his techniques. He has a special gift.
-- Allison P. --
Champion HypnosisHypnosis helped Dean
Hypnosis helped Dean
improve his tennis game.
I have struggled with my tennis game for several years and after some research I did 1 session and my game is better than ever…I am truly amazed by what hypnosis and Dan has done for me. Don’t second guess it, he can help you too.
-- Dean H. --
Champion HypnosisIt was hard to deal with
It was hard to deal with
Hypnosis helped me overcome my loss.
I lost my husband who was murdered right in front of me a little over a year ago…needless to say it has been very difficult. I still had not been the same but I decided to see Dan to see if hypnosis could help me and Thank God I did he has truly helped me overcome his death and to move on.
-- Jill E. --
Champion HypnosisHypnosis Even Helped
Hypnosis Even Helped
beat Heroin
I went to see Dan because I was tired of all the problems that being addicted to Heroin had caused…I had been to several rehab places stopped using and always went back to using…since seeing Dan my whole life has changed..I have a great job …my family is happy with me and most of all I am Happy without drugs…forever grateful.
-- Paul F. --
Champion HypnosisAfter 50 years of marriage
After 50 years of marriage
Jon needed help dealing with his loss.
I had been with my wife for 50 yrs and she passed away suddenly in her sleep..I didn’t care about this life anymore and just wanted to end the sadness..Dan seen me 1x a week for a few weeks and I am back to my usual self. I know that my wife would want me to be happy and thanks to Dan I am
-- Jon G. --
Champion HypnosisHypnosis helped Tony
Hypnosis helped Tony
quit smoking.
I went to Dan in March 2011 after my wife passed away, to quit smoking. after her death, I started smoking more and I have a 5 year old daughter that needs me, however, with the stress, hurt , sorrow and pain I was experiencing, I was finding it hard to stop on my own. Dan was able to help me quit smoking after one session! I was amazed at the results because I attempted many times before, but with limited success. I didn’t have any withdrawals! Dan really knows how to help people, and you can tell he authentically cares and wants to help others succeed. If you have an open mind, and are truly ready for changing your life, Dan will get you where you want to be!
-- Tony Fonte --
Champion Hypnosishypnosis helped my Daughter
hypnosis helped my Daughter
break some college track records.
My daughter came to see Dan because she was trying to break some college Track and Field barriers. She was so close to achieving them but every time she just missed it. After two sessions with Dan she not only achieved her goals but broke through some new barriers and set a new record.
-- Janice W. --
Champion HypnosisDan listened and
Dan listened and
and understood my problems.
I went to Dan because I found out my Husband had been cheating on me with someone I knew and for my soon to be Divorce. I just wanted to get it out of my head and move on with my life. I had a tremendous amount of anger that I knew I had to get rid of as well. I wanted to be happy and excited about my future. Not only was he professional but he put me at ease with the whole situation. I was amazed at what he was able to do for me after just one session. He is a very gifted person and he truly takes the time to understand your situation. I am extremely happy with my results and would recommend Dan without any hesitation. Thank you very much for all you do…
-- TL --
Champion HypnosisI couldn't perform in the bedroom
I couldn't perform in the bedroom
Hypnosis solved my problem.
I was struggling with my ability to perform in the bedroom….It has continually caused problems in many of my relationships over the years, to the point where I dreaded think about having sex at all. I tried pills, thinking of other things, exercises and I still was extremely frustrated. After listening to the customized session for a couple weeks everything changed and I am more confident than ever especially in the bedroom.
-- Tom G. --
Champion HypnosisMy son was a bed wetter
My son was a bed wetter
and hypnosis was the solution.
I can enthusiastically recommend Dan with Champion Hypnosis my son had been suffering from bed wetting for several years..we went to every specialist and still no success until we saw Dan. He did just 2 sessions with our son and it has completely been reversed. Our son is so happy he can finally do sleepovers without worrying about waking up wet and being made fun of. Dan is compassionate and he truly cares and listens to the issues. It gives us great pleasure to refer friends and family to him.
-- David T. --
Champion HypnosisHypnosis "Changed" my mind
Hypnosis "Changed" my mind
and it helped my health.
I had been going through the “Change “ and I was suffering from being too hot and waking up drenched in sweat. No matter what I tried from the Dr it still wasn’t helping. Dan gave me the ability to change the thermostat in mind to control my body temperature and I now sleep without getting the hot flashes.
-- Debra G. --
Champion HypnosisHypnosis helped Lisa
Hypnosis helped Lisa
overcome her sleep problems
I accidentally stumbled upon a three session coupon for Champion Hypnosis. After struggling to alleviate my anxiety and sleep problems for years, I decided that I’d give hypnosis a try. I walked out after that first session feeling like a weight was lifted from me. I had an overall sense of well being that I couldn’t remember ever having had before. I was beyond amazed and impressed! I wondered why I didn’t try this sooner! I then followed up with a session for sleep and one for anger/frustration. I had the same impressive results with those sessions, as well. That was in March and April of this year (2015), I haven’t had anxiety, worry, anger, frustration or problems sleeping since. I was so pleased with Dan at Champion Hypnosis, and my results, that I also bought my sessions for family and friends. I also purchased a yearlong -24 session package! It has truly been a pleasure working with Dan to achieve my personal goals and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend him….
-- Lisa P. --
Champion Hypnosishypnosis helped my pass
hypnosis helped my pass
my board exams.
I was struggling to pass my boards and came to see if hypnosis could help because so far nothing else helped…to my surprise not only to I pass but I was in the top 10 in the class..hypnosis should be a tool that is in everyone’s repertoire.
-- Mark H. --
Champion HypnosisIn three session
In three session
I overcame my anger.
I lost my job and was going through a divorce when I came to see Dan.I must say it was one of the best decisions I ever made…I was extremely agitated and unhappy but, through 3 sessions I have overcome everything and I am happy again…You’re a blessing
-- Mary F. --
Champion HypnosisHypnosis can even
Hypnosis can even
help deal with cancer.
Cancer is a B… when I was diagnosed with breast cancer I didn’t want to go through the normal route of putting all those chemicals in my body and losing my hair just didn’t feel right.. I contacted Dan explained my situation and he put me at ease. I did three sessions and cancer is no longer in my body, my scans are perfect and the Dr’s are dumb founded. You helping me realize that by using my brain the way God intended I was in a lot more control than I thought. You have Truly Change and Saved my life and I am forever grateful.
-- Joan L. --
Champion HypnosisI had a bad hambit
I had a bad hambit
of picking at my skin.
When I came to see Dan I couldn’t stop picking at my skin ….I tried everything but nothing seemed to work until I finally decided to use hypnosis …after one session I completely stopped that was over 6 months ago.
-- Jen V. --
Champion HypnosisI needed to move my life forward
I needed to move my life forward
Dan at Champion Hypnosis Helped.
We’ve all heard that the mind is an amazing machine capable of achieving more than we can possibly imagine. I went to Dan because I was having stress tummy aches, dropping the ball on customer service, procrastinating & convinced I was a failure. The tapes in my head said “I can’t”, I’m not”, I’ll never be able to”. Thru hypnosis, Dan was able to help my sub-conscious mind rise to the occasion and show my conscious mind that “I can”, “I’m capable”, “I can learn new technical skills”. Dan trained me in hypnosis strategies to de-stress, increase self-conscious and to change the negative destructive thinking patterns into positive cycles to move my life forward. It’s all in your mind. Dan can help bring out the champion in YOU!
-- KF --
Champion HypnosisI was skeptical at first
I was skeptical at first
but hypnosis works.
I was very skeptical at first because of the let downs from diets and failed attempts at going to the gym. However after 3 sessions and 2 months later I got rid of 20 lbs of unwanted weight. The best part is I can tell my mindset has changed about food and it feels great to be in control 100%
-- Nancy M. --
Champion HypnosisShelly was addicted to crack
Shelly was addicted to crack
and hypnosis help me.
I was very addicted to crack/cocaine when I came to see Dan…I did several sessions to get to uncover the truth behind my addiction and I am extremely proud to say I have been clean for over 3 yrs now…You have truly Saved My Life Dan God Bless You
-- Shelly T. --
Champion HypnosisCall it coincidence
Call it coincidence
hypnosis helped me get pregnant.
Call it what you want coincidence or the power of the mind…I was struggling to get pregnant for several years, I tried all the specialist, invetro..and still nothing. I went to Dan to see if he could help and within 2 mo’s of seeing him We Got Pregnant!!! I am so Happy and Amazed… Thank You So Much, You have a Special Gift.
-- Dana W. --
Champion HypnosisHypnosis helped Tom
Hypnosis helped Tom
with chronic back pain.
After years of chronic back pain I couldn’t sleep and I was taking so many pain killers I felt like a complete zombie. This was not the life I wanted to live. After 3 sessions with dan I am able to control the pain naturally without any side effects. I am really thankful for hypnosis and the power of your mind...
-- Tom P. --
Champion HypnosisAfter 2 sessions
After 2 sessions
Betty no longer fears blood.
I had a tremendous fear of blood which is kind of hard working for a Dr. Well I am happy to report after 2 sessions I have no problems at all with it now and I have been able to stand there charting while the nurse is taking blood…Thank you Thank you Dan…
-- Betty F. --
Champion HypnosisHypnosis helped our son
Hypnosis helped our son
on the football field.
Our son has made a tremendous improvement since he has been attending the sessions. Before he attended the sessions he struggled with his grades and self confidence with his school work and on the football field. We have seen our sons grades improve and his self esteem rise to the highest level. One of our son’s greatest accomplishments was that he was able to receive a football scholarship at a #1 ranked college. I would recommend Champion Hypnosis to anyone who would like to perform at a much higher level in the class room or at any type of sport..Thank you Dan!
-- Mr. & Mrs. M --
Champion HypnosisHypnosis helped over
Hypnosis helped over
my fear of driving.
It has really helped me a lot with my fear of driving on the highway..I am now able to drive on the highway without any nervousness at all..so well worth ever penny…
-- Y.W. --
Champion HypnosisI overcame my fear of animals
I overcame my fear of animals
with hypnosis.
Since I was a little girl I had a fear of animals at the zoo escaping and attacking me. I know how crazy it sounds but, I couldn’t even take my own children to one of the best zoo’s in the country and that was eating me up…I decided to try hypnosis and after one session 30yrs of a fear disappeared and I am ecstatic to say we all highly enjoyed the zoo..
If you have any fears or phobias do yourself a big favor and go see Dan.
If you have any fears or phobias do yourself a big favor and go see Dan.
-- Amanda E. --
Champion HypnosisAddicted to sugar
Addicted to sugar
and hypnosis helped.
I wasn’t sure if you could really help me because of my own limiting beliefs…I had tried everything to stop the sugar addiction I had but nothing worked. I was completely caught of guard that after 1 session I didn’t want anything to do with sweets. Your awesome keep up the great work can’t wait to take care of some other issues.
-- Diana T. --
Champion HypnosisPulling out her hair
Pulling out her hair
my daughter stopped after the first sessons.
My daughter started twisting and then pulling her hair out…we went to several counselors and it didn’t help until doing 1 session with Dan..I wish more people were as open minded as my husband and I about how the mind works because it has truly been a great experience. Our daughter has been so upbeat and happy since seeing Dan. She also has better healthy ways to deal with stress now.
-- Paula B. --
Champion HypnosisI worry about everything
I worry about everything
and hypnosis solved it.
Well well well….I have always been a person who worries about everything and it was getting so out of control I couldn’t sleep, my mind just kept racing. I am happy to say that after 2 sessions not only do I feel more at peace but I am sleeping again yea thank you for changing my life you are a blessing.
-- Tiffany E. --
Champion HypnosisLast chance to pass my nursing exam
Last chance to pass my nursing exam
Hypnosis helped me stay calm.
When I came to see Dan I was on my last chance to pass my nursing exam and stressed isn’t even the word for it…after 2 sessions I went in took the exam and felt an amazing sense of peace and calmness. Needless to say I was beyond relieved when I found out I passed!!!
Thank you so much,
Thank you so much,
-- Kelly M. --
Champion HypnosisStephanie needed to
Stephanie needed to
make a change in her life.
When In came to see Dan I couldn’t seem to let someone go…I had been verbally, physically and sexually abused by a man off and on for several years and yet I kept coming back for more…what the hell is wrong with me…?? After seeing Dan for 3 sessions I was able to realize I am worth more and Deserve to be in a Happy Healthy relationship ..since seeing Dan I moved out, got a higher paying job..got fit and have attracted the right kind of guy into my life..to say Dan changed my life is understatement.
-- Stephanie --
Champion HypnosisRon had a fear of rejection
Ron had a fear of rejection
Hypnosis helped.
I was suffering from my fear of rejection and I was terribly lonely because of it…I had been rejected so many times from women I just couldn’t put myself into that position ever again. However I really wanted to find the right person and get married to start a family. After seeing Dan not only do I have total confidence but I do believe I will be meeting Mrs. Right very soon…..
-- Ron H. --
Champion HypnosisRon was a nail biter
Ron was a nail biter
and hypnosis helped.
I had been well..a nervous wreck and always biting my nails …since my session back in May, I have completely stopped and I was flat out shocked at what Dan can do..Since then Dan has helped me in many different areas to improve the quality of my life.
-- Ron T. --
Champion Hypnosis
and gave hypnosis a chance.
I was tired of making excuses about my weight and health. But nothing seemed to change that is until I met with Dan. He truly cares about you which is such a rarity today. After my first session I felt so motivated to take on the world. My second we eliminated bad food choices and my 3rd session has kept me on track. I am so ecstatic to say I have removed 35 lbs from my body and I am a new woman. I wish I wouldn’t have listened to the naysayers and tried hypnosis sooner. Dan you’re awesome, may God continue to bless you and your business because you truly deserve it.
-- Diana R. --
Champion HypnosisChildbirth pain was
Childbirth pain was
controlled with hypnosis.
I went to see Dan because a friend had seen him for pain management and had tremendous results…he thought it would be a good idea for the delivery of my son..I am so blown away how just a few sessions were able to control my pain during a natural birth with no drugs…I highly recommend anyone who is wanting a pain free birth to see Dan.
-- Cindy B. --
Champion HypnosisI need a solution
I need a solution
hypnosis was it.
When I first came to see Dan I thought I was suffering from IBS but soon into our consultation it seemed to be related to my Anxiety that I have had for over 20+ years. I refused to take any medicine but I was also sick and tired of being anxious about everything, it had been making my life hell…I decided to use Dan’s services and let me tell you “Magic”. It was unbelievable after one session I was Happy and not nervous about anything. As an added benefit I don’t have to use the bathroom…all the time. I use to get nervous about everything and I couldn’t stomach confrontation or money issues..It is all a thing of the past thanks to Dan. He is Great and I have him on Speed Dial should I need any other Services or to send my friends..Your The Best!!! Thank You.
-- Tanya --
Champion HypnosisOur son's baseball game
Our son's baseball game
has improved tremendously.
My son was one of the top pitchers in his baseball league until he had several bad games and gave up too many runs. We tried everything from more practice to private coaches and still he couldn’t get out of this funk. Thank goodness we decided to think out of the box. Dan at Champion Hypnosis is fabulous he did 2 sessions with my son and not only was he back but he has improved tremendously. I highly recommend Champion Hypnosis.
-- Susan T. --
Champion HypnosisHypnosis let me let
Hypnosis let me let
go of my past.
Where do I start.. I was broken into and violently raped a couple of years ago and I couldn’t help always looking over my shoulder. I stopped dating , carried mace, gun and tazer but I still felt so unsafe. I worried and dreaded going to sleep for fear of it happening again. After seeing Dan I could tell he cared and actually listened to me. My first session did help but not completely. Dan was able to get to the heart of the issue and help me to realize it was time to let go of the past in our second session. I have been so amazed at how great I feel and I am empowered not to let this define me or control my life any longer. I haven’t had any anxiety when I arrive home in the evenings anymore or when I go to bed. Dan from the bottom of my heart THANK YOU.
-- Jessica P. --
Champion HypnosisI was angry at everyone
I was angry at everyone
Hypnosis put me at Peace.
I was always angry at everyone, my wife, my kids, It didn’t matter I was just pissed off at the world…I had no idea why I was so angry until I seen Dan and I have been at peace ever since he truly is amazing.
-- Robert A. --
Champion HypnosisHypnosis improved my health
Hypnosis improved my health
and stopped my anxiety
When I first came to see Dan I thought I was suffering from IBS but soon into our consultation it seemed to be related to my Anxiety that I have had for over 20+ years. I refused to take any medicine but I was also sick and tired of being anxious about everything, it had been making my life hell…I decided to use Dan’s services and let me tell you “Magic”. It was unbelievable after one session I was Happy and not nervous about anything. As an added benefit I don’t have to use the bathroom…all the time. I use to get nervous about everything and I couldn’t stomach confrontation or money issues..It is all a thing of the past thanks to Dan. He is Great and I have him on Speed Dial should I need any other Services or to send my friends..Your The Best!!!
-- Tanya --
Connect With Champion Hypnosis
Why? Because waiting does nothing. If you want to make a difference you have to move out of that comfort zone. I am here to help you, to support you and use hypnosis to help you succeed. My Goal is simple, to help give yourself the gift of overcoming any fears or phobias you have and live free and enthusiastically!
It doesn’t matter where you are at, I can help.